Tag: Gotta Love Fresno

Swede Fest 13 poster revealed, “Dr. Strangelove” screening announced

SF13_Flyer_OL_FINALThere’s about a month left before your entry for Swede Fest 13 is due on May 12th and with that, we’re showing off the new artwork for the festival as well as announcing that Fresno Filmworks will hold a special screening of the Stanley Kubrick classic “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb” after the festival. Ticket for the screening of the Kurick classic will be $5 and the show starts at 8 p.m. at the Tower Theatre. Of course Swede Fest beforehand is still free to attend so no worries about that. Do you need a refresher? Hit up the break and catch the film’s trailer and make plans to join us on May 17th for a day of film goodness in Fresno. And don’t forget to join our Event Page on Facebook if you haven’t already!…

Swede Fest 12 wrap-up

SF12_OverheadAnd just like that again, another Swede Fest has passed. Yes, people packed out the Tower Theatre last Saturday evening and had a great time watching 19 entries coming from as far away as China & Tampa Bay for Swede Fest 12. According to conservative estimates, the crowd was the biggest ever and shows how awesome of a community we have here in Fresno to support something like Swede Fest. If you missed it, you can check out all the entries here.

Everyone over here at Swede Fest would like to thank everyone who submitted and entry because without you, this festival would simply not exist. Be sure to head on over to the Fresno Beehive to check out their just released list of “winners” of their coveted Swedies.

To all our sponsors that make it possible for us to have the event at such a cool location, all our greatest love & admiration. Gotta Love Fresno, Fresno Filmworks & the Tower Theatre: without your help this event would not be what it is today, thank you so much.

Our volunteers: without you, the event would not run so smoothly so thanks to Erika, Yvonne, Tanya, Thong & Michael. And for people that have been asking, the awesome poster design was done by John Rios, much props to him for being one of the most awesome human beings on earth. And if you are interested in volunteering and helping Swede Fest become cooler, please drop us an email at info@swedefest.com and we’ll get in touch.

Thanks again and be sure to start thinking about YOUR entry for Swede Fest 13, coming in 2014.…